Saturday, March 03, 2007

Granada in Nicaragua

We hopped in Nicaragua for few days to renew our papers. We loved Granada, built in the 152o's by the spaniards, the oldest town in Central America. No many cars, a leisurely pace, a vibrant mercado, it reminded us of the life of a village in the 50's. Domi and I had a second honeymoon (the first one was in 1971 when we hitchicked to the french west coast and slept in a ditch because by 2AM nobody had picked us up...but that was fine too), alone, at Suzanne's beautiful house. Swimming pool, antique furniture, plants and flowers, luxurious rooms. What a treat! We played tourist and had a tour of the many islands scattered on the humongous nicaraguan lake.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Still in costa Rica and loving it.

The tree on the rocks is called "The Jesus Tree" by the locals and they go there to pray for their loved ones. It's a nice walk along the beach of the bay. We refresh in the river, hoping the crocodiles won't show up!

Parties de petanque, snorkeling, soiree flamenco a Floblanca avec des navigateurs de passage, Richard et Andrea, en route vers l'Espagne, rencontres inoubliables avec Jeanne et Claude. Les hirondelles perchees sur les filieres du bateau nous reveillent chaque matin ainsi que les singes"howlers", les poissons me grignotent, ce que je n'apprecie pas toujours, lors de mes sceances de natation quotidiennes. Les enfants testent leur rapidite a echapper aux cornes des taureaux pendant le rodeo local de Cobano, les vaches se promenent en liberte dans la foret et ressemblent a des lapins avec leurs grands yeux et leurs oreilles pendantes...Nous sommes heureux ici avec les enfants.